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RE: My progress in POB 8 days on the platform.- 190 POB (110 $) 110 Months of salary in my country

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It is more gratifying to positively impact life on people who are looking for an outlet to live. Hive gives us these tools to have a present and in turn ensure a better future, if we know the benefits of stacking ...

Many of me have wished they were here with me, but their responses are always excuses to feel good about themselves. The only limitation is ourselves. I know stories of people who get up at 3 am to be able to publish since the internet in my country is very heavy, they make their post by phone, others who have used the income from hive have started businesses.

Hive is an ecosystem that should reach many places plus those countries in poverty. My only fear that sometimes crosses my mind is that if a blackout like the one two years ago in my country happens, we had 7 days without electricity on two occasions, without internet without being able to access to be able to change my cryptocurrency to cover the needs, I have the money but it's as if I don't have it because I don't have access to it.

I'm glad you liked my post .. I am moving forward with Hive with the second layer cryptocurrency ... Thank you for stopping by, committing and supporting ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta