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RE: deleted

LOL That was hilarious and there used to be a number of identity theft scams on Steemit back in the day. Super hard to detect because there are tons of small time influencers posting their entire lives on Facebook or Instagram.

It becomes pretty easy to just take their posts and run with it on Hive or Steemit and since it comes with face revealing photos and all, outsized rewards to follow.

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Yeah. The fear of evil robot armies taking our jobs seems real. You can tell by some of the responses to my post. LOL.
But for now, quality seems to be a huge driver in POB distribution.

Posted via is such a good site. If you want to make author profiles for your blog, a pretty nifty tool. AI is going to make fake photos and videos a major problem.

But for now, quality seems to be a huge driver in POB distribution.

Completely agree. POB's distribution is definitely one of the better ones out there. Long may it continue.

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Those are computergenerated pictures? That is super creepy. They look so real!

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