
-5 * 9 is not -44, it's -45.

(You wrote it twice, so it’s a fundamental misunderstanding rather than a typo)

Read it again.

1 - 5 x 9 = 1 - 45 = -44


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The original post has since been corrected typographically. I assure you I know how to do simple arithmetic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ahh! I see what you mean. I thought typing it from the image would help but in this case it might be confusing. Thanks for the tip! I have the answer key.

Alternatively you could make the image a bit larger. I totally missed it when I read the question.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure no problemo

I will bump you to Round 2!


Good luck sir, have a !BEER to help you focus