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RE: The secret... Learn it and you'll be prepared to survive...

Yep... I lived in some tents, one bedroom trailers, and other trailers most of my childhood. We were never wealthy. I tended to get toys and new things on my Birthday and Christmas and that was it. It did make me value them a lot.

Wow, that must have been some life. But then you still could look back and remember those days with a smile on your face. They weren't the best but then , they made room for stories like this.

I am now Middle class technically but I am the primary source of income for 7 people now so I don't live like middle class. Though years of living as we did has made it so we can make our money go a lot further than a lot of people.


It's wonderful to see that you levelled up and moved up the ladder. Most times I hear people complain about their roots and I wonder how foolish they can become. It wasn't our parents faults that they too weren't born rich. But unlike them we can actually change that situation and everyday I always pray that I get to that stage that my parents never reached and become a better person changing my life as well as the ones around me in the process! ✅❤️