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RE: How I helped save a Soldiers future

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

A lot of people get to a fork in the road like this, on the one side is potential life ruining situations and on the other side is a path we can learn from. I’m glad that although he got peer pressured into a poor choice he was able to be redeemed! I’m glad you stuck up for him man, there’s not enough people to do that type of stuff. I’m sure he understands the weight of you sticking up for him.


He was such a good kid and if it wasn't for him already having good character and integrity before this I would have kicked him out. By this point I had known him for 2 years and he was the type of kid that would drop or give you everything he had to make sure you would be all set. The commander coming in didn't know this, so she didn't agree with me until she saw it for herself. That's why she sent me that text. Truly amazing individual, unfortunately he was young and impressionable and so his friends took advantage of that.