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RE: Pictures and words

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

Most people think they love my slaps but really when it comes down to it they just love my sauce. I can give you the recipe if you want.

Is it rude to thread up someone else's post? I'd ask @brandt his opinion but at this point he's probably ignoring us as he's too busy packing for his big move to start his new life in hell.


It is like entirely like completely like so totally dependent on like what kind of sauce you're like touting about. Go ahead and like tell me. Like, eh, like.

Is it rude to thread up someone else's post?

Let's ask the poser, I mean poster, @brandt, are you finding this rude? Just temporarily park your hell packing, you won't need much in the 9th level of hell, only a supersmart bodyjacket that warms your, um, places that need warming.

My hell packing is now complete. No, I don't think it's rude.

No need to pack much when you've got a house in hell already. Thank you for confirming you don't find it rude.

I don't think it's rude. You know what's really rude, though? Talking with your mouth full of food. That's just bad manners is what that is. Nobody wants to watch that big bite of mashed potatoes clogging up your piehole while you're loudly interrupting someone else's conversation about economic inequalities to explain your racist justifications for imperialism and white supremacy as pertaining to the rise of the United States of America. Chew with your fucking mouth closed, and also just shut the fuck up. Happy Thanksgiving you bastard.

Oh, so you had a nice family Thanksgiving dinner, then? That's good. Always nice to see the various ways in which shared genetic material is put into action.

And what a fucking waste of mashed potatoes.

@nineclaws I think we need to send some of these with @brandt to his next holiday meal.

(@brandt this won't be the last time you see this gif sorrynotsorry)

I was just going to make myself a nice breakfast, but never mind, I guess coffee is all the food I need today.

Coffee is LIFE.

@nineclaws I think we need to send some of these with @brandt to his next holiday meal.

I agree wholefartedly, but @brandt needs a maincourse like this...

(@brandt this won't be the last time you see this gif sorrynotsorry)


😮 I am at a loss for turds...

Eat more and poop 'em out eh.

Lick all that yummy brown goodness up so you can poopetually poopduce in your poopcycle.


Aaaand, it's day 2 of not eating anything except coffee.

If you leave the grounds in it's a more substantial meal. Eating coffee beans isn't as trendy as it used to be, but I won't tell anyone if you do it so you don't lose that cool image you're rocking on mountains.