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RE: Thoughts in a winter's fairyland

Hello! Oh the final years in the University. I can remember how it feels like and I understand you. I had a major breakdown after I graduaded from Journalism when I had a harsh reality check: nobody wanted journalists that much, it wasn't such a sought after joh that we were thought to believe. A severe depression followed after. It was tough. Looking back now I also ponder about the whole University-preparing-you-for-a-job idea. I feel differently now. My education continued after University, I have chosen to continue to read. As a matter of fact I feel we can have more time for education when we are not in a system. There were many classes which, I felt, brought no value for me other than dead time. It was a lot of clogged up information during University and some of the teachers did not want to accept their flaws. They continued to fed us the same old principles by spoon and by force. Grades were supposed to show how good we ate that information. With the mind I have now , I find it absurd. In other countries students are left not only with a depression but with major student loans. We pay for things with years from our lives...

You are probably studying hard and really put your heart into it. This is why you are drained. Students who fail to care are happier. Maybe wiser than we think. Who knows ...

I loved to eat snow lol. It felt nice. Like I somehow became a child again. I feel a deep connection with nature and when I am concerned with mundane life and forget about my nature time I get thrown off balance. This was a necessary walk for me and my mood. I even wondered why I put such a pressure on myself to finish all chores by such high standards. I will chill off, there is no point in exhausting myself.

Thanks a lot for stopping by and have a lovely week, God bless you too🤗


Hello! Oh the final years in the University. I can remember how it feels like and I understand you. I had a major breakdown after I graduaded from Journalism when I had a harsh reality check: nobody wanted journalists that much, it wasn't such a sought after joh that we were thought to believe. A severe depression followed after. It was tough. Looking back now I also ponder about the whole University-preparing-you-for-a-job idea. I feel differently now. My education continued after University, I have chosen to continue to read. As a matter of fact I feel we can have more time for education when we are not in a system. There were many classes which, I felt, brought no value for me other than dead time. It was a lot of clogged up information during University and some of the teachers did not want to accept their flaws. They continued to fed us the same old principles by spoon and by force. Grades were supposed to show how good we ate that information. With the mind I have now , I find it absurd. In other countries students are left not only with a depression but with major student loans. We pay for things with years from our lives..

You actually get it @creativemary . Its all like a waste of time sometimes and even after finishing there's no guarantee of getting a job like you said. Then you start to feel worse, you're wondering what you'll do with your life, all those years wasted. Then you begin to discover yourself, like you said the real learning begins. I can't wait to start that journey. I am tired of the old things they fill our brain with, old theories, unrelated topics, more and more cumbersome activities and die hard complex exams, it really drains me up. Sometimes I wish I could just stop and start finding myself but then I just have to finish.
Wow, loans?, You're already in debt before you even start earning..that's really depressing.

You are probably studying hard and really put your heart into it. This is why you are drained. Students who fail to care are happier. Maybe wiser than we think. Who knows ...

Lol, yeah, they're happier and wiser I guess. But I do know when to take a break and have fun if it becomes too much. Hive helps me a lot too. Takes my mind away from my problems.

I loved to eat snow lol. It felt nice. Like I somehow became a child again. I feel a deep connection with nature and when I am concerned with mundane life and forget about my nature time I get thrown off balance. This was a necessary walk for me and my mood. I even wondered why I put such a pressure on myself to finish all chores by such high standards. I will chill off, there is no point in exhausting myself.

Yes! You deserve to be a child again, we can't always be grown up, we'll become way too old too fast. There's no snow over so I havn't really experienced how it feels to eat snow or hold it but I know one day I'll have that experience. Glad you took the work and cleared your head, it's beautiful, nature Is amazing and you can't help falling in love with it every time. Lol, no more pressure, you'll still get the work done in due time.

Thanks for the wonderful reply.

Sorry it took time to reply.. I've been away for a while because I wasn't feeling too well....I'm back now..better than ever! 🥺❤️

Education continues after the school is done. In fact, I feel I have more time now to study than when I was in University. I pick my own books and nobody pressures me into learning something I don't like.

I am glad that you feel better and more energized! 🤗