I "finally" got Covid πŸ‘

in Proof of Brain β€’ 2 years ago

Is it bad, that I actively wanted to get it?

It might look like a weird statement considering the amount of death and destruction that Covid have brought to the world for good or worse right.
(Well, the death are bad and people losing their livelyhood aswell).

Let me start out by saying that I live in a First World Country (Privileged, I know) which have money and access to vaccines, so yes, I am vaccinated times two and I have even been invited to get the 3rd shot, but I am also only 30 and fairly healthly, so not sure I need to get it, I would rather get the naturally immunity now, which you can say I got know.

The First World Country, I live in is Denmark and we just lifted all of our restrictions yesterday, so no mask anywhere anymore which is pretty neat for someone who works in a store have had to wear it for 8 hours a day, it wasn't bad, but its nice not to have to wear it anymore ^^

Another reason I kinda want to get it, my mom got it and we think I got it from her. She is almost 60 and she smokes and have high-blood pressure + diabetes, so not the healthiest person I know, but she only had a headache and was tired from Covid, so not bad. (Its worth noting that she works in a kindergarden, so her immune-system is pretty high generally).

But by being "sick" or having Covid, I get a few days off ;) and its not the first time I have expressed how bad I think my job is and that I am actively looking for another job. So its not all bad haha, hopefully I can continue on preparing some posts I have in mind and honestly write a bit more ^^

I am honestly not worried one bit about having tested positive, its kinda a relieve ^^

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Thanks for sharing, and I hope you have a speedy recovery

Thanks buddy! Its few days off which I need, so I am quite happy xD

french researcer stated that smokers less hospitalized, so i prefer to smoke to prevent from covi..

What? Thats stupid.

lol it is stupid i think too

wish you a speedy recovery πŸ™

Thanks. But I am honestly good. I feel fine, just coughing a bit xD

Glad to know you’re doing fine

Thanks buddy! Ye I am fine, honestly I am mostly just tired xD

With as much testing as I get done I'm glad I haven't gotten Covid, but there have been plenty of colds I caught because of my kids. I hope you feel better real soon.

Thats good!! And yes kids do bring in a lot of bacteria! I think thats why my mom did so well ^^

I am honestly good, just tired.

Awesome. I'm glad. I'm not sure what I've got, but I'm confident I'll get it again. Daycare. Ugh

Ye kids will get you all sort of things xD

Your will power to fight COVID is strong. Hope you will be healthy again, so you can go back to the slavery called "job".

What xD I don't want to go back to my job xD
I wanted to get covid, so I could get a few days off and making a shit ton of applications :P

Sarcasm :P

Ah xD

The First World Country, I live in is Denmark and we just lifted all of our restrictions yesterday, so no mask anywhere anymore which is pretty neat for someone who works in a store have had to wear it for 8 hours a day, it wasn't bad, but its nice not to have to wear it anymore ^^

I live in Hungary (central Europe), and nowadays wearing mask is mandatory both in public transport and also in our workplace. But for some reason there are certain people, who are not required to wear a mask. For example people with autism spectrum disorder. And I belong to this group, so I do not have to wear a mask, but I still wear a mask to avoid arguing/quarreling and any other problems with other people.

Hopefully Hungary will also lift every restriction soon. And I wish you to get well as soon as possible, even if you do not have symptoms.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Yay! πŸ€—
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Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Do you think it's right to say that your mom gave you a disease or that kids give people disease just for breathing and being a human child in development?

That seems a bit sadistic to me and a complete lack of self accountability for your own health.

Are you blaming other people for your disease?

You do know that your body is also covered in germs inside and out 24/7 right??

Are each one of those trillions of germs that you are carrying around with you causing a disease inside you and are you able to spread your germs to other people and cause suffering and death to them just as they have done to you?

The germ theory of disease is not true and if it was true no human would be alive to believe in it as the germs would have killed us all by now.

I witnessed 2 cops go up to a group of kids playing basketball and the cops told them they needed to get out of the park because they could catch and spread a disease to other people called covid-19 via a mutating highly contagious deadly virus organism. All while I'm out at the park playing with my kids, which was ok apparently.

None of us have ever been tested, wore a mask or been injected with the defective gene drugs.

Why did the cops pick in these kids and tell them to leave the area immediately, is because they were not all from the same household 😠😠

We have had the highest rate of child and teen suicides since this has happened and it's understandable when children are not allowed to play with their friends and being called disease spreaders which is the most sadistic thing I have ever heard of in my life.

The idea that humans contain highly contagious deadly virus organisms in or on them and you need to be scared of them is called germophobia. It is a mental illness and is also retardation at the highest level.

Are you ok buddy? Do you need help??

Do you think it's right to say that your mom gave you a disease?

Yes. She got a positive PCR-test and I spent then entire weekend at my parents house, so yes I think its fair to say she gave it to me.

Do you know what a positive PCR test means? I have used PCR for 25 years it does not diagnose disease at all, it cannot be used for that purpose.

No one gave you a disease πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Thank you for your comment.

But I don't care about your opinion, have a good day :D

You and others in this chat are pushing an opinion that is saying children are spreading disease to people simply by being children?

What's next, are you going to spread the onion that all children should be injected with defective gene drugs to protect you from them?