
How did you manage to do that? 😁

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I got the vaccine! Isn't there 5G in that? :p

5G is a frequency...

But its in the vaccine right? Well, then a 5G Chip if thats better :p

I am stuck with 4g. Fucking oxford

Lucky you, here near Cambridge they got only 3G, my Iphone5 works better than the vaccine. But that being said, my nokia 3310 is still better than my iphone. Actually last one week charged if i test.

Joke aside, seems that you will need a vaccine passport in UK soon to go to the club and dance. Beat this!

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Good thing I am not dancing 🤷

Shit that sucks! Just go get the vaccine and you are fully loaded! :D

Yeah, I am getting pfizers next time. Astra sucks and my bluetooth is also quite laggy

Hahaha fuuuck, Astra is so last Gen, it needs its software upgraded! Get in with the big boys! I got Moderna :D