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RE: Every Abuse Lasts For As Long As We Allow It

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I've really followed up with the covid-19 virus and also keeping tracks of the count on death and people that are infected by the virus.

I won't lie to you since the start of this pandemic which is deadly as they claim it is, I've not believed in it and the whole lockdown happening is all a joke to me.

Government have taken this avenue to make people suffer on a daily basis and the economy of the nation keeps falling constantly.

if we haven't managed to end this pandemic in one and a half years, when are we gonna be able to do that?

This I can't just say, is one year already and still there is no solution to contain the pandemic finally. Government are still pushing that the second face of the pandemic is still coming which I'm not finding it funny.

We have to come out and say no to the actions government are taking and they are over looking this pandemic which is making the world economy shake.

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