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RE: How Marijuana addiction helped my life experience : A true life story of me as a teenager

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hmmmmm. I give a sigh of relief when i hear testimonies of drug addict and how it affected the person's life. Glad you are better and getting your wits together soonest you did become the pro you envisage to be.
I was nearly into it myself back then in secondary school (waoo!! How come most people get into drugs in school/ college?, I guess it should be a topic for discussion), i was saved by one of my teacher "God bless her" she saw me with some friends and quickly called me aside to come see her in the office. told me i was going to die if i do drugs. That the smoke will block the lungs and does kill people earlier, she really instil fear in me then. When my guys force me to, my first thought was what my teacher said when i notice d choking and cough i was certain she was right. I started avoiding my friends then until they termed me pastor.
What can one do to avoid it? Well to me i guess one need to choose friends wisely and pray the situation to warrant testing it does not come.
Thanks for this piece.

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In most situation peer influence matters and youthful exuberance

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