Blow me down, me hearties!

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

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A long time, I be waitin'. Ready for adventure, starin' at the horizon, callin' to the sea! When be the time for me to return to Hive to unearth some treasure with fellow pirates??? And then the call came! As sure as I be sittin' here, the call came!

"Captainnnnnnnnnn Dreeeeemieeeeeee, yonder treasure awaits. Find yerself a solid crew, and begin! But how??? Test them! Test them to see if they be the finest crew alive, on land er sea!!"

So then, I have a test fer ye! First - go watch the video. Get yerself familiarized and comfortable with the rules set forth! The Code must be followed to the letter, er else!

When ye've finished with the video - come back, and take the test!! If ye be a dreemie pirate, then I be sure to know!!!


"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

We be startin' on Monday!!!! Lookin' forward to this month, pirates!!! Fun is on the horizon!!!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @jamerussell, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

All images are my own, unless otherwise noted.

Banner created with

Pirate Music from Pixabay

▶️ 3Speak


~~~ embed:1564393721986453507 twitter metadata:QWxlc3NhbmRyYVdoaXRlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0FsZXNzYW5kcmFXaGl0ZS9zdGF0dXMvMTU2NDM5MzcyMTk4NjQ1MzUwN3w= ~~~
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I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!

hahahaa Arrrr! nicely done following the directions of the post!!!

I just spied your answer - and you were ONE word off in your answer... That's fine for today- but you want to be sure that you count the words EXACTLY for this week coming up! Because one word off could cost you the treasure! hehehe Glad to have ye aboard, pirate!!!

😭😭😭🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I pledge to be more careful next time, arrrr!!!!

I am...on Mars!🙇‍♀️


hahahahaa this is awesome!! is that lke a tattoo on his chest??? LOL

yeah, it's printed on there, came that way including the eye patch

Arrrrrr, Captain McDreeemeeee and her cutlass aboard the scuttled Dragon ship……….now there be a sight for sore eyes me hearties :) hehehe.

hahahahaha ye be playin with us this month?? or watchin? hehehehe sweet Lassie, ye beautiful offer be as hard to refuse as it be for a pirate to refuse a free cask o rum.
But I tend to fear that the court hanging strict stipulated time appearance may be a hinderance as I have a busy week aboard the Jolly Roger across the vast ocean in a world where the sun sets and the fair winds rise at a different time piece setting to your delighting home Port?......or be I mislead by my cunning crew? Hehehe.

Love the video Dreemie.. Made me excited for this challenge. In or out, it would be fun to see the participants answers.

hehehe - if ye be playing... be sure to fill out the test above :) Will be fun fun fun!

Hahahahahaha, cool post, brings back some memories of the good ol' pirate days!!!
Maybe we can go rescue a kidnapped princess again hahahahahahaha!!!
Onward and upward!!!

hahahaha - aye!!!! t'will be a barrel o' fun!!!!

I am so in!! But I think I am like four days late! Nonetheless, I will try to update myself and follow along. I know there is always room for one form with Dreemsteem. Thank you for the tag, @samsmith1971

Hehe.. Thanks for the mention.. I'll look for the gem later haha..

I'm up for it 🙌

Am up too

Thank you for tagging me. I cannot believe that I could have missed this. I am excited about this.

Arrrr, will have to pull out me cutlass sword and keg o grog and accept thee challenge o fair maiden @samsmith1971 😎🪝😅

ah yes I did see this yesterday, thanks Sam

Thank you so much Sam ❤️, this is going to be a great treasure hunt and you are absolutely right, no one wants to miss a dreemport challenge 🤩🤩.

This sounds like fun! I'm in! 👍


Thank you for tagging me, Sam!! I need a little time to translate and understand the post. 😅


hehehehehehe my hero!!! LOL

A great start to the next challenge!

Heyyy The pirates are back.....! It is gona be so much excitement and fun.

I have unscrambled the phrase but this time it is difficult for me to participate. PYPT timing doesn't suit me at all.

Good luck to all the pirates. @kenechukwu97 , @hopestylist @merit.ahama @ayesha-malik .... keep my share in whatever you hunt...😜

Oh wow, we are going hunting? I haven't read the post yet but I will surely love to keep a share for you Amber 🥰🥰.

You are Love, Hope ♥️🥰🥰

Thank you Amber, much love from me to you sweetheart 😘😘.



Ooppsses. Haha. If you won't be available for the hunt, then wish me 101% luck in this. Haha. I will win and send pictures of my winnings to you 😂

I wish you 200% luck, Kingchuck 😊

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

By the way, a huge flop on my sheet awaits you...don't say I did not warn you! 😐

@dreemsteem Dreemie!!! I'm excited about this challenge but I'm really bad at treasure hunting thingy boppers! 😁 Lay Pirate! 🤣 That's me!

So, this looks like great fun!!! But geez... a pirate name haha... I have chosen one 😂 (do I have to?🤣🤣🤣)... and the magic phrase...why do I get the feeling I went wrong somewhere? 😏...

So... I can't be sure I passed the test... so in fairness, I shall say...
"I've taken the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

... and leave you to tell me !LOLZ

Aaah... looking forward to this month... no posts required then this week? It's all just going down in PYPT, hehe. !LUV !ALIVE

@dreemsteem! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (2/10)

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Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

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@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971

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Do we have to choose a pirate name too?😯

!LOLZ yep you do... but you can just choose your name... like Pirata Armando hehe... fill in the form on post link and let's have fun! Don't forget to check the website for the first clues today!

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

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@acgalarza, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971

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Do you mean the DreemPort Site?

Well... we need to look out for clues so where can we look?... the website, Dreemport/dreemsteem posts, threads, or the discord?... got to be one of those lol... and I reckon the website will point the way... as it does to threads and as it did to this post... so keep your eyes peeled haha

Ay, ay, ay 😲

I'll better get to work! 😁👍

All ye sea worthy folks Blackbeard's here to take what's mine.

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrh!

Struggled to write those he he grammarly kept throwing errors on mi face.

I so much love that energy captain Dreemie, you are indeed a pirate of honor.

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

Let's do this captain 😎.

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!



"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!

Guid luck me fellow pirates, see ye at the treasure hunt

Hahah... X really marks the post with Dreemie. I'm about to get lost in this 😂😂.

This will be so fun, thrilling and interesting. Haha. PYPT is already fun. It's gets even more thrilling with this.

The last clip in your video though. Haha. You look like someone that had a fight with a tiger 😂😂😂

I've 'probably' passed the test 😂, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr

EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! She wrestled with a bear who was supposed to be a pet because he wouldn't take his custard!😂

Oh, that bear? Hahah. She needs a new pet. Lolz.

Perhaps a cat can be sent to her doorstep 😂

Cabin Girl Julie says, "I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

Since it's bound at a specific time, I may not be able to take part, but I'll try~


"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!

I like the video Captain! It's exciting hehehe

It's a matter of time, I'll try to join!

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Oh my darling (s) 😁

I'm so very tired at the moment I'm gonna have to sit this one out. It took a great deal for me to even complete the third part of the last one!

Struggling to keep up right now.

But I will be back and around and supporting from the back left quietly as always.

Also... you didn't say how gorgeous you are, woman! Really beautiful gal 😊 ❤️

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"


Why do they call it euthanasia?
It’s not like you’re getting any younger

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@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @vagabond42069

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's sew FUN tribe!

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr! - well, I think I passed! 😊

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!" Unfortunately I will not be able to attend PYPT, but I will play along as I am able. Thanks for the fun :)

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

Treasure hunt sounds a lot of fun but PYPT - nope, my working hours so I'll very likely not be there but I'm sure you lot will have fun!!

Hehe here comes the late comers dreemie pirate who are so late to get the clues on time( I know I would be kicked out) 🐣 but going to find the second clue containing post .Captain you are looking so adorable 😆 oh captain dreamie you have done an awesome accent 😍aye aye I am in 😁

I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrr!!!!

That last part of the video got me really laughing..

"So the pirate stuff is off now..".. hehehehe..

Yeah, it sounds really easy and I want to be a part of it. Sadly, I missed the call. Where do I start from now, I have watched the video, and I guess I should check out the link first, then I will report back here.

I don't know if I really passed the test but I have taken the test already hehe. But where do I start from, I am 1 day behind.

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

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I've passed the test, and I be ready Capt'n Dreamie, Arrh!

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

"I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!"

looking forward to getting engaged in this treasure hunt

I've passed the test, and I be ready, Capt'n Dreemie! Arrrrrr!