The Skin You're In

in Proof of Brain β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

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The Skin You're In

On the last video, I showed off "surprising skin" lol.. Let's leave it at that, shall we? 😜

Those who saw it - saw it. I don't regret it. Moving right along... hehehe

Today's video had me giggling as I looked at the things we use to improve the skin we're in. Now don't get me wrong - I think of our bodies as our temples. And I believe that we should keep them in tip-top shape, within reason! HAHAHA

Do your research, keep within your budget! LOL and just be wise with the advice you take! hahaha (in other words, you might not always want to take recommendations from YouTube and/or Amazon hahahaha)

So I'm considering .... something!!!! LOL Curious where your limits are?


and @kaerpediem... this one is less vulnerable and more vanity....but I couldn't stop giggling throughout while i was editing hahahahaa
come visit me so im not alone...and you too @makeitrain4ever!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm gonna tag @snook too hahahaha


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and i love you right back!!!!

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Oh oh - you better just lend me your paperbacks then 😱
I'd treat them right but just in case ;D

Sooooooo, when I was younger I wanted to fix my nose - I got a big one.
I wanted to go for one of those laser treatments to get rid of my hair - I bet you are not surprised by that.
And I wanted to do Lasik so I wouldn't have to worry about wearing lenses.

Today, I don't care so much about my nose, I have learnt to accept it
My hair, yeah not an issue either. The last couple of years even more, because they are not growing as hard and fast as they used to haha.
Lasik - now that I still want to do ;D

Now that roller thing with needles? - yikes - I hope it wasn't painful.
And that sticky thing, I am pretty sure there's no way I could sleep with those on ;p

Botox eh?
I don't think you need it but if you felt like you wanted it, I think do what makes you happy - then share pics k? :D

Isn't it AMAZING how the things that we obsess over become a non-issue in time???

and paperbacks ..... LOLOLOLOL nope - if you tell me you'll treat them right, i shall believe you. hahahaha

oh my gosh that just reminded me of the funniest story LOLOL i might make a funny video about it. but i don't know. sometimes i think things are wayyyyyyyyy funnier in my own head. hahahahahahahahahahaha

the lasik - ok you're gonna love an upcoming video that i have then! heheheheh its all about the eyes - and i know 4 people that are gonna give me a hard time (but probably in DM hahaha they won't comment LOLOL)

ok the roller thing! - it actually DID NOT HURT in the least - it almost felt kinda like a massage - which is the weirdest thing ever - i know. but it was like... somehow it was triggering all this like... "relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" sensation in my face. I could even feel all the tension draining from me.

the sticky things LOL i feel a little bit wrapped up hahahaha the forehead doesn't bother me - but under they eyes is so annoying LOL its totally weird.


i REALLY want to try it... hahahahaha just to see! but then i wonder - would i get addicted to it??? see that's what i mean! hahahahaha

we do these things and then before we know it - it becomes an obsession! LOLOLOL

gah! ok - but these videos are so fun LOL


🀣 I hear you on the books! It makes me squirm when I see someone open it up and crack that spine. Noooo!! You don't need to open it any more than 45 degrees!

Lids need to be kept and go back on after every use, even if it's a spray bottle. My umbrellas have to be put away exactly how they first came, with the fabric laying flat, not scrunched, yeh, nothing strange as far as I'm concerned in how you put your patches away after use.

Let me know if you find anything that can reverse real wrinkles that would show up even on camera, unlike yours. I actually think yours might be mythical. 😜


Oh my gosh!!!!! THANK YOU for making my life complete!!! Can I show my husband this comment?!?!? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Honestly. Why. WHY do they destroy our books, Mimi?!?! What did the book EVER do to them, that they need to fold it over itself!!!! Lolololol

And I swear they are really there!!! (The wrinkles) hahahaha the video is making me seem a liar!!!! Hahahaha but after I used that needle roller!!!! It GAVE me worse wrinkles ... Lolol

Oh my gosh...I'm in bed laughing my ass off.... Thanks for all the giggles before bed!!!! Hehehe

Goodnight 😘

Glad I could make you laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed your video, too, it brightened my day. I'm wondering why I never found you sooner.

hahahaha I'm so glad!!!! if you're interested - I have a video that will show a very delicious recipe for how to make the BEST dumplings ever. hehehe (i did one last week for my 2nd best - but this one is the ultimate dumpling) LOLOLOL

and - maybe its fun too hehehe. i'll tag you in the comment section - but just ignore the tag if you're busy today hahahahahaha

i won't be offended - i just love people interacting on my posts hahahahahaha

Sure, tag away. I don't seem to be getting all my notifications of late, so fingers crossed. 🀞

hehehe ok i just did the dumpling recipe! and it came out so amazing!!!! (after adding in the BEST shortcuts and i can't believe no one is telling people this hahahahaha)

cuz these used to take me like - 6 hours.. no joke... my back would be ON FIRE when i was done. I'd sit down to eat and just have to rest for a few minutes before i could enjoy

and this one took me like - an hour to do!!!!

let me know if you like it! hehehehe ill tag you in the comment section of the video LOL

I just heard that "something damages skin in a good way". Lol. You can try being a salesperson πŸ˜‚.

I have seen those anti wrinkle patches on several occasions in Kdrama and there seems to be some truth to it. Heheh, but they also have a more natural alternative to it. It may sound crude though, but I guess cutting cucumber into slices and dropping on your face, neck and co does exactly the same job - in a more natural way πŸ˜‚.

BTW, I think I know why I haven't received any Hardcopy book of yours πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I bet I would have used that book as a pillow. Heheh. Or not.

Seems like our Dreeemy is now a wonder woman. Hehe.

I'm not doing that πŸ˜‚. At the moment, I'm still looking for the best brand of perfume I will be using Consistently. Whenever I visit a mall to get a perfume, I end up feeling the vibe to try something new. Lol

even when i said it - i wanted to laugh so hard.

and then when i watched it back - oh my gosh hahahaha i just busted up laughing the whole time i was watching this video.

Wonder Woman CRACKED ME UP lololololololol

AH YES - cucumbers. not crude at all - and it also helps to tighten the skin and lighten under the eyes i think! but this one sticks to your face so you can sleep with it too hahahahahahahahaha

ohhhhhhh you just gave me a new idea with perfume!!! can i add it to my Vanity and Vulnerability video series??? hahahahaha i will credit you with the suggestion hahaha

You found the best alternative. And I heard from the video that you can reuse it so, this is really a good one.

Just don't stare at the mirror whenever you wake up. Hehehe. It will be like a real life Halloween. Lol.

YEAH... can't wait to get your opinion about Perfumes. Heheh.

Happy Weekend To You.
I'm on my dinner table. Rough day πŸ˜‚


Oh my goodness I lolled so much during this clip Dreems πŸ˜‚I thought you were going to turn into a combination of Wonder woman and Uhura from Star Trek...why I don't know ... but when that thang was going on your forehead, something went zing in my brain 🀣And then you said Wonder woman and I was like bwahaha. And I am like that too with my window stickers for Halloween and Christmas. I keep ALL the wrappings and they all get lined up again neatly afters and put away hee hee so I get where you are coming from ....AND ...the books...OMG ...I nearly died laughing hearing you talk about lending out books... "And if I lend you a paperback...I still love you...I just don't necessarily trust you!" This has got to be the quote of the year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Aaah a woman after my own heart... you crack me up so much and at the same time your love for the things that are important in life bring so much connection on so many levels πŸ™ !LUV you ...and I'd lend you a hardback!