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RE: What are Hive's chances for survival?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Ah... that's why I always teach first in the comment section :)

I never have a heavy hand with users that are new. As a matter of fact, there was an "older user" that got into some trouble a few weeks ago. I went to DM to them to help. Sadly WHILE I was in DM with them, their plagiarism was caught and punished accordingly.

(this person is not new, and should have known better. did know better.)

The next week - 3 more plagiarists - older - wiser. but lazy and looking to grab more hive on someone else's work.

I fully agree with you for baby Hivers. Help in the comment section gently - most are REALLY willing to hear (or at least say they are!)

But the problem that I'm seeing more than you might be? (not sure) is not just older bloggers plagiarizing without a care in the world... (until caught) but newbies who ARE gently corrected, and have the nerve to basically tell the people who are helping to "piss off".

I think as Hive's price increases - youre going to see a LOT more people coming out of the woodwork, looking to rape the system. It's sad - but we have seen it on MANY other platforms. It ALWAYS leads to the destruction of the platform unless people stop it.

As far as shitposts... I really don't care about them. I don't upvote them, but they're not going to get downvoted by me. (or - really anyone that I know.) If people are upvoting shit posts - that's their prerogative really. We all have ten 100% upvotes a day. How we choose to support the Hive ecosystem with those votes are up to us.

I don't think they need to be run off the chain, because I don't think shit posts are rewarded much.

Also - photos? there are lots of communities that allow for dropping a photo with very little written content. I'm not seeing them being abused? Are you?

The biggest problem I see on-chain is plagiarism. And I think there should be absolutely 0 tolerance for it. As soon as you catch it - warn, teach, then report if it continues. It's outright theft and no one should be upvoting stolen work.