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RE: I Got Hacked.

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

hehehe that will be great!!! can't wait to see them for Wednesday Walk! :)

our Christmas was so peaceful and lovely -

today everyone took the day off so it's another lazy sleepy lovely day being snowed in

the snow has been coming down for about 6 hours now hahahaha

its really gorgeous - but it is still a prison

i don't mind the prison today though - since I don[t have to be anywhere hehehehe


That's an awesome prison to be!

But I can understand the frustration if you have to go somewhere.

I hope you have enjoyed your lazy sleepy The rest can only do you good!

hehehehe yes - it can be pretty amazing!

right now its so unbelievably beautiful
but its not stopping hahahahahahahaha and the boughs on the trees are so full LOL and the weight is pulling all the branches down so low!!!