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RE: What are your favourite Hive Engine Tribes?

  1. Splitertalk - just favorite game and i love this community
  2. CineTV - happy to write here about movies and tv show
  3. ProofofBrain - great tribe to earn some coins
  4. CTP - i invest some coin in this, and happy to be part of it
  5. Foodie - another good place for my interest

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


CineTV - happy to write here about movies and tv show

I saw that you are posting there regularly... We are trying to accumulate CINE tokens and reward authors with our upvotes, but we are struggling lately because of the mess with

Foodie - another good place for my interest

I have totally forgotten about this one! I'm seeing great food-related posts, but I didn't check the front-end... Will take a look... ;)

Thanks for sharing your Top5!


@drunksamurai! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @ph1102.

Did you know Pizzabot in Discord has a bunch of useful commands? (10/10)

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

5 credits added