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RE: Lock step - My final plandemic summary with links. Part 1.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I don't think Canada is overcounting by very much. I think we claim to have about 37 million on this massive portion of the planet. I have a good feel for the size of my hometown of Vancouver BC, which is supposedly about a million or two (depending if you count the nearby burbs), and I think it's about right.
I've never been to China or India, but know people who have, that I trust. I believe that it's quite densely populated there... but I'm with you, I doubt it's 1.5+ billion each.
The other side of the equation is resources. Yes, they are in many ways finite. But not as scarce than we've been made to believe. Same with technology, a lot of that has been held back from the commoners.


When the gov paid bonuses for sheep, NZ suddenly got an extra 30 million sheep that were all missed in the last count!