Yes, I am selfish.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Yes, I am indeed a selfish person. There are many things that make me selfish.


  • If I am in a situation where I am in danger there is a chance I might try to protect myself before others. This may because I react to a fear response. It may also be because I realized that if I am protected I'll be in a position to help others. It all depends upon how much I think about the situation and how things weigh in my mind. Yet I am still selfish. My eyes, my ears, my sense of touch, my sense of smell, and my sense of taste are all centered on myself. I cannot perceive the senses of other people. I cannot read minds. I only have the input I have. That I must make decisions around.

  • If my family, or friends are at risk and it is a choice between saving them and saving the family and friends of someone else. I will choose my own family and friends always. I will try to save both if I can see a path towards that. I am selfish though. My family and my friends come first.

  • If I choose not to get vaccinated and I become sick and sometime during that period I infect other people I will certainly feel guilt. If there is anything I can do to help them I will. I will however not be guilt tripped into doing something to myself or my family that I view as more dangerous than the alternative simply due to what MIGHT happen to someone. If I operated on what MIGHT happen I'd never drive a car. I'd never take any number of risks. I am indeed selfish in this way. Do you still think labeling me as such and trying to coerce me through guilt tripping me will work? I may be convinced that the odds differ from my perception and change my mind. It certainly won't happen because someone calls me "selfish", "anti-vaxxer", or some other label designed to manipulate me through emotional response.

  • I am indeed selfish because my idea of compassion requires I do something myself. If I hand a person on the street some money that was my compassion. If I volunteer to help somewhere that is my compassion. I don't view compassion as empowering some other entity that I have no control over to act in my interests. I call that "Compassion by Proxy" and as far as I am concerned. It doesn't exist. It is a lie, and a con. I am selfish that way. This is partially why the appeals to emotion from would be socialists, communists, and Marxists tend to backfire on me when they start referring to compassion. To me all of those things are attempts to make me believe that "Compassion by Proxy" is actually compassionate.

  • I am selfish in that ultimately I don't care what the herd is doing. I treat everyone like a friend until they give me a reason not to. I am not particularly vulnerable to peer pressure (though it has happened a few times). I follow my own path. I share information about that path, yet I don't try to force anyone to walk my path. In fact, I try to encourage them not to. Every path is a potential path to failure. The odds seem to be better if each of us walks our own rather than trying to walk the path of others. Will we fail? Sure. Some of us will still succeed. It is okay if our path parallels another in some cases, but I think people should always be willing to alter their course based upon the information and perceptions they themselves have. If I think my path is the best and I try to force people to walk it I very likely am dooming some people to my own failures. I guess that makes me selfish.

  • I know what an Appeal To Authority, or Argument from Authority fallacy is. I don't blindly treat ANY entity or person as unquestionable, infallible, and something I must have faith in. I may consider entities and people to have a higher probability of being correct in areas I consider them knowledgeable. I will not treat that as an absolute. If I am looking for evidence I will never accept "X says it is true" as actual evidence. I may have a degree of trust and be less prone to search further. I will however try to maintain my memory and any entity can lose my trust. Any group can be corrupted. Any person is fallible. As my trust goes down the likelihood I'll accept "X says it is true" or "X says it is false" will also decrease. I am selfish that way. Such places when they have lost my trust will have to show me actual evidence, not simply tell me what they want me to believe.

  • I am selfish in that I tend to really think for myself. I don't blindly embrace the latest cause and go with it because that is what is popular to do at the time. I think about it. If things don't make sense I ask questions. If I am attacked for asking questions it becomes a big red flag and I pay even more attention. In such cases if I start to find more and more problems and I notice people being attacked like I was for asking questions. I am likely to oppose that cause. I will begin to see it as a lie. If people were not attacked for questioning then I'd actually consider the cause. If someone presents evidence that seems pretty credible and instead the focus is loudly centered on attacking the character of the person that presented the evidence that too becomes a big red flag for me. I've seen too many extremely important messages about science, about crimes, etc. lost in history and all people remember is whatever narrative the character assassins planted about the messenger. I am selfish in that to me evidence is more important than popularity.

  • I am selfish in that if I can fix my own house, and feed my own family I will do that before I start looking to fix the house, and feed some other family. If my house and family are fine then I am interested in helping others. I will not live in a shack, and starve in order to virtue signal about how I helped someone else. I am selfish in that way. To me acting otherwise is stupidity.


I am selfish.

I own it.


God, you are so selfish, you only talk about yourself. :)

If my family, or friends are at risk and it is a choice between saving them and saving the family and friends of someone else.

Now, if your family or friends are at risk, would you save them or would you save yourself?

I am sure you are far less selfish than many of those who call themselves altruistic.

I have been known to be really stupid when it comes to protecting my family and friends.

I once confronted 5 burly drunk cowboys because they clearly intentionally nearly hit my friend when we were walking down the street. They came back. Started talking crap and were clearly looking for a fight.

I handed my friend and his brother my stuff and went to stand in front of them as 5 of them piled out of the car and I'd say 3 out of 5 of them were my size or larger. The other 2 might have been a little shorter but were in good shape. They were all athletes and I was not.

If they had seen what was going on in my mind though they would have pissed themselves. What I was thinking scares me. It is partially why I don't drink or take drugs... I never need my inhibitions to go away. That could be very bad.

Anyway... I got lucky. The biggest one in the back said "Deva is that you?"

Then said "Ahh man, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. We were out looking for a fight."

I shook his hand and left. It was a guy I graduated from high school with.

When it comes to protecting family and friends I can be quite stupid and fearless.

The stuff going through my head was how I could possibly take out 5 guys and provided I made it that far I was thinking where the nearest pay phone was so I could call an ambulance (yes, it was before cell phones).

EDIT: I think that was shortly before (though could have been after) the big guy that recognized me joined the Marines.

So to answer your question. It is highly likely I'd always protect family and friends over myself even if they are completely capable of dealing with the situation themselves.

Haha, I guess one is capable of doing stupid things for the closest ones, and you're not so selfish after all.

You are wrong. I've been told I am selfish. Why? I refuse to take the vaccines. (this is sarcasm by the way)

I thought you were making some sort of reference to Rand.

Hah. No. My boss told me I was selfish when it came to my stance on vaccines. I told him "yes, I am"

Utter foolishness.

Though yes, I've seen a lot of people call "Atlas Shrugged" selfish. I know Ayn Rand also spoke about it a lot. I think she was predominantly correct. Perfect? No.

Well, yes, but she defined herself as selfish, and defended rational selfishness, that we are all selfish and being selfish is good. That's probably the why.

I agree with you.

To speak about others rather than myself would be to put words and implications into their actions. I don't presume to know what they are thinking or their intentions are.

The only perception I have is my own. :)

So when speaking about how a mind works I only have my own for review.

I like hearing about other people's minds though.