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RE: The Fermi Paradox - "Where are the aliens?"

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Wait a minute! Did you just ask me where the aliens are?

My God! You know the answer already......its in the

Sorry, just trying to have some fun with your theories

I for one believe there could be life existing on another planet. And that soon, aliens will invade us in a bit to have a striving environ to stay....just the way the movies portray it...hehhehhe

But judging from the theories you have listed out, I could be disappointed.Even so, I always imagined being able to explore the high intelligence aliens have as movies portray

I mean, imagine being able to extract such amount of information from a piece of electrified metals, and using them to replenish the earth with inventions. Would that not a cool thing to do?


I hope the aliens don't look for me, because I sound like a threat to their existence ....hehehhehe

Nice entry dear. I wish you luck in the contest

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You made my day, this is probably the funniest and clever comment I have read on my posts, keep the humour coming its great, and it put a smile on my face.


You are welcome, buddy.

I will try my best

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