NETWORK COMPANIES The future of post-pandemic organizations

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)
Hello friends, today I want to share with you a topic that I have been researching lately in terms of the changes that we have had to drastically from all areas of our lives and that has impacted considerably in the way we do things. In this case, I will focus my article on a reflection about the Network Companies organizational model which seems to be the option for large and small companies in the post-pandemic era.


Much has already been said about the impact of the COVID-19 virus on people's lives and the different spaces where we have to develop, many thought shortly after the beginning of the pandemic that everything would pass and we would resume our life as it was before, Today we have the full certainty that this is not so and that nothing will be the same again, perhaps many of us have already chosen to change several or all of our habits, including our work habits, to which I am going to refer today from the organizational structure that has managed to keep large companies such as Apple in the number 1 position of the most profitable, productive and competitive companies for this 2021.

This structure was developed in 1998 and it is the Network Companies, these are characterized by using the philosophy of shared information even when the capital is different, what is this about? Well very easy, a large company functions as the Parent Company or central node, this in turn will create alliances or partnerships with small businesses across the globe that serve as a bridge for their products and services. Up to this point it seems that I am talking about a franchise and no, network companies differ from franchises because the latter force those who buy a franchise to use everything exactly like the first company that was created instead network companies use part of the services that other companies have to offer, for example Apple has more than 150mil technology developers who work in their ecosystem and create applications that are only used in Apple products in this case the Network Companies offer the benefit that small businesses maintain their own image and identity only that share information about their databases.


From the above, another of the concepts that in full pandemic has become known in network companies is Big Data, as I have already mentioned, the philosophy of shared information is the center of its action, which is why it works in the model of communication networks. The characteristics of these network companies can be summarized as follows:

Implementation of information and communication technologies in all their processes. Promotion of teleworking, telecommuting and work through social networks.

They can be distantly distributed geographically, outsource services (outsourcing, offshoring), join networks of associated companies, recruit remote workers.
Strategic model based on the decentralization of processes, its actions are built through investment projects.

It requires that the members of this type of companies know their work well and are autonomous in the development of their functions because the management of the network companies depends on each member doing what he/she has to do without being under constant supervision.

Distant, simultaneous and flexible work. As they are business nodes, their workers are located anywhere in the world where the nodes are and perform their work by sharing information with employees located in other geographical areas, all through information and communication technologies.


The aforementioned characteristics have allowed that from the year 2020 when the pandemic began, companies with network structure have increased their sales, expanding the labor supply and creating the largest number of jobs worldwide with the ease of performing the processes from your home or anywhere you are, the only thing you need is your knowledge and a communication device with a good data package. I believe that you and I have not only seen the future of our work but we are already experiencing it.

