Acting with bad intentions will not take you far in life

in Proof of Brain2 years ago



Many people believe that acting in a bad way will get them far, and let me tell you that it is not true because bad desires are returned in all directions and with greater force, so let's not be one of those people who waste their time trying to harm others.

There is no greater personal satisfaction than achieving goals by our own merit, that is priceless because it raises our self-esteem through the roof, the opposite happens to those people who wish evil to their neighbor, and even do it to their own family.

The bad actions will always have short legs and a boomerang effect, despite this many people still continue with their efforts to wish evil to others, that seed should be eliminated completely and sow the seed that makes flourish to do good.

Not everyone is aware of the consequences of acting with bad intentions that is only a reflection of envy for the successes of others, there is no other explanation for such low and unacceptable behavior.

Surely you have witnessed or been a victim of this type of negative behavior of certain people and the best thing to do is that these people are blocked by themselves and not wear out our vision to achieve our goals.

Let us teach with our positive attitude by not wishing ill to anyone including those people who try to wish ill to us, our goal is not to fall into their dark and lonely future as that is what awaits those kind of people.