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RE: The Meaning of Antibodies #lols

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Ah, oh, I see :) I got a little irritated.
Yes, I do that, too. It's time consuming. LOL
Oftentimes I follow what fascinates me or is new to me in a positive way. Here, a video from Sheldrake, I am currently watching. Discovered him years ago, still it's new to me what he says.


Crackpots United.

Rupert Sheldrake is one of my fave scientists, I featured him in an early article coz he helped to open my eyes to the lies in science. He also opened my eyes to the energy aspect which scinece tried to ignore but seems they can no longer.

He is one of the most inspiring and friendly persons I followed for a long time. I appreciate his way of asking questions a lot.