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RE: Don't give up, Give it a little more time.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

From my point of view you can endanger your health as much as you want. You are an adult, you can
drink unclean water (it's your stomach, not mine),
have unprotected sex with multiple partners (if that is something you must try out with partners you find),
eat with dirty hands (happens a lot, really no big deal),
abuses weed and alcohol (happens a lot more),
become de-hydrated (you'll get really thirsty),
be a couch potato (and let the sport-tyrants become furious),
eat contaminated food (have fun with puking or shitting),

Everyone did or does what is listed by you. No human ever will or have lived to those rules in the course of ones lifetime. I am smiling while I am typing this. LOL

Sure, it's all political correct. But you are talking to a woman who does not so much care about this correctness. ;-)


Hahahahaha, I admire your sense of humor a lot.🤣😂

Yeah, Some people engage in those dirty and risky lifestyles, Not everyone can stick to the rules but you saying everyone does that? I disagree, Because those are not tips for healthy living.

So are you trying to say the Bottle water and sachet water company produces unclean contaminated water for us to drink? It's possible though as long as they are making their money.

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So are you trying to say the Bottle water and sachet water company produces unclean contaminated water for us to drink?

I have no idea. Please, enlighten me. What is this with contaminated water?

Well, It simply is the act of introducing impurities or foreign matter to water and that's not good enough for the health and well-being of the body system.

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I appreciate your humor, too :)

Come on, where do you live? In a community with holy people? Or people who appear correct on the outside and do that risky and dirty stuff inside? Of course everyone does it in one way or the other. That's just how people are. :)

No, I am not giving tips for a healthy lifestyle, not at all. You can disagree with me, that makes reality not less real.

Your father or your mother, did you ever catch them drinking wine and preaching water? Your uncle or cousin, your aunt or your friends' parents, have you caught them pretending certain things to make themselves look better in front of others? And so on. We humans are true artists in hypocrisy. The most difficult thing is to catch our own hypocrisy by the scruff of the neck :)

I catch myself doing that. ... In particular when I feel insecure or become angry. Gosh, I can become like the holy Maria, LOL. But I try not to. So, I bet, you are not Jesus, either. XD

Thanks for appreciating my sense of humor too, I'm flattered.☺

Oh yes, I do live in a community with a lot of holy people or should I say Fake holy people, Yep, I have caught my father drinking wine and preaching water.

It's not just my cousin, Uncle, Aunt, Friends and my parents that i have caught pretending to do certain things to make themselves look better in front of others. I catch a lot of random people around the hoods that does those lame things.

HAHAHAHA, Yes, I am not Jesus and i never expected you to be a Holy Maria either.😅

Like you said it's in human nature to want to do crazy things that are not seen as normal and acceptable. Vut who cares? Life is about being happy.

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone",
that's quite a direct and pretty formulation, isn't it?

People who are married fall in love with others and then they are verbally stoned because you are not allowed to cheat on your spouse. And yet it happens every day, all over the world. Are they all bad people now? Indeed, those who think they are all bad people have probably done some of these unacceptable things themselves and secretly accuse themselves, so they can't help but find it unforgivable in others too, about whom they know nothing after all.

And if one were to ask him: Did you cheat on your wife out of revenge, out of malice, for lower reasons, the answer would also be quite possible that he did it out of despair, hopelessness and speechlessness and that he might be forgiven.

If he really did it out of revenge, hatred and arrogance, his own perceived guilt weighs even worse, but who can really admit that he did something out of revenge or arrogance? When everyone around you looks like the purest of angels?

Where a sinner admits his sin, he may already forgive himself for it and he no longer needs the absolution of others.

Instead of taking sides with or against a friend who, for example, surrenders to alcohol, the sinner knows he could also ask the friend "What do you need? What do you think would be wise to do?" And, insofar as the one being asked does not know the answer, preferring to continue drinking, one can let him do so and still remain a friend.

If he cannot, because he is too miserable to see the friend continue to drink, then it is wise to withdraw. Not because the friend should be punished, but because you yourself cannot bear to witness the suffering of another without wanting to force him to do something he does not seem ready to do.

Therefore, you cannot be happy all the time, it is impossible not to feel sadness as well. But both states come and go, don't they? If you think you can stay in constant bliss, fate will come around the corner and teach you otherwise, yes? But of course, you are correct, life can be seen as being about happiness :)

I just used more words than you did ;-)

Hahaha, I see you used more words than I did.

This really seemed more like a sermon, I get your point completely and I gotta say Indeed no one can feel happiness all the time but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for happiness.

And Hey! No one is perfect we all have our flaws but some or most people always want to claim that skill of perfection and that isn't right at all.

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LOL, I am really good at this Christian sermon thing. I am a raised Christian, what can I say? ;-)

but some or most people always want to claim that skill of perfection and that isn't right at all.

Now that you know that, you don't have to be like most people, do you? By not showing yourself to them as their own reflection, they can relax and just be who they want to be for a change and not think they have to be. Of course, this only works if you don't worry about what others think of you (while you still can care about what you think of them).

I see, Me too was raised up as a christian but when i got grown up I began to see the flaws and fallacy in christianity and I was now like, Damn! I can't do this christian shit anymore I gatta bust out of this bullshit. And den Boom!I left it swiftly and I joined the pagan club.

Yes, I didn't even know that now, I knew that since. And I stopped caring about what anyone thinks about me and I don't care about what I think about them.

I mean, I am emotionally Intelligent so I understand how that feels perfectly so I never try to care about what I think about other people. To me life is meaningless and worthless so why live it to please someone? Crazy!

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