Sometimes You Have to Confront Your Fears

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

I remember the time when my relatives used to bully me and used to make it harder for me to socialize while around them. It was like they never used to take my opinion for granted or they never cared for it.

I always felt a bit fearful while among them. And also never wanted to be around them and that kind of created a rift between us. It was something I wanted to avoid for years and that gave them a psychological power over me.


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So I decided to confront my fears and started fighting for my position. Here's what you need to know on confronting your fears.

When You avoid it, the Problem gets Power Over You

Let's say a person is bullying you or want to put your down mentally. And in that case, what you will notice that once other people realize what this problem you are avoiding they can use it against you too. So always try to understand avoiding anything is like letting that problem have power over you.

So the first thing you should do is let the problem has it's space. Sometimes when you start accepting whatever problem you have then the problem gets smaller and you learn to have a power over it just by facing the consequences.

When You Talk about it, You Find solution

I remember when I started talking about the problems that I had in my life with the home owner that rented me flat. And that conversation helped me find the solution to various sets of the problem. It was not easy trying to explain the problem as there is always age gap when talking to the elders.

But if you learn to simplify your problem and focus on what worries you that is a good start for your fears to work around. So start talking about your problems with other people and you will learn things much better about yourself and find solutions as well.

You expose yourself to Problem, You get to the solution

You have things to solve and you have to learn to expose yourself to various solutions that your problems can lead you to. And when you expose to various scenarios and the consequences, you prepare mentally for the same. And this way the fear reduces no matter how strong it feels.

You talk about it, you visualize multiple consequences and then focus on getting to the solution. This seems to be something you end up learning late but you will go through process of this like I did. I think most of us go through that.


This was just my personal experience. I know that a lot of you would find different way to handle things and also have more proactive approach to the life. And as time goes on or as you age you will learn how to handle this better.

So have you learned how to handle this better?