How I experienced/felt the presence of Adam the Cherub this New Year

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Hello everyone, I wish us all a Happy New Year and I also wish all of us the good things of the New Year to each and everyone of us here.😊

This is my first challenge here in the #snookschallenge4 and I must say it’s really captivating and inspiring going through all the previous challenges and reading some the posts under the tag, which some of them were amazing and touch which prompted me to read more.

So I decided to join the challenge and also share my own part of the New Year Cherub and how I got to experience and witness the situation and it goes on.

So now to the whole story and how it i got to write on it as my New Year Cherub, I hope you enjoy the story😊😊

It all started back in 2017 before gaining admission into the University, but before then I was running a Pre-Degree problem to help in gaining admission fast. So after running the program and waiting for the admission, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to my crush for the first time in the church I attend at home. Crazy right?😁😁

I had been crushing on her ever since I knew her in our church and I’ve always prayed and wished for us to have a conversation some day.
On this faithful day on a Sunday where we had a Youth Harvest that same Sunday in church and they made all the youths sit in the front rows of the church in order to symbolise unity amongst ourselves.

It’s getting interesting right?😁😁, let’s continue

So as usual I seated in the front seats and waited for the mass to begin until after I noticed someone seating beside me because I was operating on my phone, I looked up and saw that it was her immediately I got nervous and began to tremble.

To cut the long story short😊 I summoned up courage and had a chat with her and as shocked I would be, she made me realise that she has also been crushing on me for a long time too and she couldn’t walk up to me and have a chat with me. And since then we have been chatting and became best of friend. We couldn’t date due to some personal issues but we were sure best of friends. But, it got to a point after gaining admission, I lost her contact and lost everything about her. I was so pained and there was nothing I could do.

How I experienced/felt my Cherub in the New Year and how I named it Adam

During the Christmas eve that’s Dec 24 during the evening mass, I prayed for reconnection of loved ones and most especially LOVE because I wanted to start a New Year with love and happiness and without any hate or whatsoever.

Then something sudden happened during the New Year’s Eve where as usual I sat in the front seat and was waiting for mass to start as it should be.
Not less than 10mins after the mass started when I noticed some girl sit in front of me and was very pretty, though i could not see her face but her back view was amazing😊😊.
Lo and behold when she turned back it was the same girl I had a thing for back then and immediately smile came upon my face and we both shared that special moment of happiness.

And since them we’ve reconnected and started from where we stopped and I’m making sure I’m never going to loose the contact again.

I believe it was my Cherub Adam that helped me reconnect back together with the girl because due to my research, I learnt that Cherub are little angels which carries wishes and prayer to God and also because I specifically prayed for God to reconnect me back with my lost loved ones.

The main reason I named my Cherub Adam was because Adam was a man of love and the first living creation that God created which connects this to Naming my cherub Adam and secondly because the girl was the first girl I really liked then which also relates with the name Adam.

This is how my New Year Cherub came into existence and owned a name

Now I believe in Cherubs and i know they’re beings that cannot be seen physically but i know they’re in existence and are ready to help in any form.

Special Thanks to @snooks for giving everyone this opportunity to participate in a challenge like this. I must say I am really impressed with other stories I’ve read here on the #snookschallenge.


This is so beautiful. I almost got overwhelmed with tears. It’s obviously true love with your connections to this secret lover. This is a wonderful cherub spirit experience brother.
Thanks so much for this 🥰

Thanks so much for taking your time to read this post and for the wonderful comment.

Thank you so much for writing your story!! It was a beautiful read!!!

Thanks so much for reading my story.. it was amazing joining the challenge