Are you interested in a New NFT collection/game ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

so here we are ,trying to introduce a new NFT collection / potential game to the community
i know most of you are tired of NFT games already, there are so many of them out there
where ever you look you can find one and most of them gets you bored after a while

as far as it concerns me ,i have to admit that i do play a lot of these NFT collectable games
i like the idea of these collectable cards / NFTs which actually have some utility more than just keeping them as simple art designs
you can use them to play with, you can use them to make some cryptos out of them during having some fun at the same time!

so Order of Other is the collection i wanna talk about today!
did you get the name?
you can visit the official site of the game to get an idea of what it is about


i don't wanna get you tired reading this post
no no no this is not my intention
after all i like the collection very much and i would be very happy to see some or all of you getting involved with Order of Other
just let me spend a few lines about the collection/future game

first of all it has to be clarified that the collection is in a very very early pre-alpha stage
you get in now, you should know that you are one of the first to be involved
i suggest joining the discord server here where you can find some more details about the collection, win free NFTs, claim related crypto-tokens airdrops, interact with other players and generally speaking get yourself updated about what is happening with the collection day by day


by participating in the discord server i was lucky enough to solve a riddle regarding the collection and won a Mythical item plus 500 OMNI tokens
proof of brain may the game demands and i will happily accept that challenge

this mythical item as you can see in the picture is called the Finders

can you estimate the price of this NFT?
i don't think you can ,neither do i but i'm sure it will not be a cheap one for the years to come

for the time being the collection is running on WAX blockchain
verified sources though say that Order of Other intends to spread-bridged on every possible blockchain that supports NFTs and NFT based games
according to my opinion this is what all of us collectors, like the most - to have multiple options for our assets

its internal token OMNI is already traded on Alcor
by the time i'm writing this post the price is 1 OMNI = 1.55 WAX

you can check the collection in where you can buy items for WAX
this is not a financial advice of course, but if you are an investor more than a player you might need to make your own research and jump into this project now it is on its birth

there are more posts to follow giving you more details about this unexpectedly mystical collection
the only tip i can you give you for now, just to keep you motivated is that
everything is taking place in an extraordinary intergalactic and interdimensional space called the OMNIVERSE
this peculiar location is somewhere between Nowhere and Everywhere and the time that applies to it is Ever and Never

are you ready for this spectacular experience through spacetime
join the ride!

Posted via


Is there any ref link?
Just joined in discord to take a look.
Thanks for the information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

no ref-links yet future maybe there will be but for now there are not...

Hi Funnel

You know I couldn't work out the riddle the other night, I wracked my brain trying but only went Aaaahhh when the answer was posted. RedRo keeps his cards close to his chest. Lovely intro article. Have a good day

hahaha so you were there!

Lol of course I was there :)

Wow one more game to play...
Will check it in the evening

you do that and let me know what you think of it