
I learned that you just happen to see this post upon perusing POB/Created :)


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@rentmoney! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @hivecoffee.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Hello! A very happy morning to you :)

The week has just started and lot more days to learn. But so far, one new thing I learnt was making vanilla ice cream at home. I love vanilla ice cream. I just randomly open my freezer, take a bit and come back. So i thought why not make it at home. I tried using some youtube recipe and it came out to be amazingly good. I'm so happy!

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Morning mate! I know that your vanilla ice cream will be so nice because you're one best kitchen queen. I hope am having a cup of the ice cream from there shall. Smile

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Am not really good at things like this,but it is good to see that you love vanilla mate and good for you , anyway am thinking of giving that a trial one day ,cause I have a female friend who I always get that for every weekend.

Might one weekend get that too and test it

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Good one with coming up with a delicious vanilla. Sometimes we don't know how good we are at certain things until we try it out.

It's a nice things to keep learning new things daily and weekly. Having learnt how to make vanilla ice cream flavor, I bet you will be having it weekly. It could also reduce the amount spent on buying it outside from the eateries.

By the way, in term of cost, which was cheaper, making it yourself or purchasing the vanilla Ice cream outside?

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Welcome to POB talks, A great place to hang out. I have learnt something valuable this week that communication is the key to all problems. No point in being stubborn and arrogant. Be humble and talk. Also there is no shame in accepting our mistakes, be responsible for actions and try to improve yourself.
We really enjoy the coffee dear, here is some !PIZZA

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@hivecoffee! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

Smiles... Can I have the pizza in real life😊

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Great question @megatee,

Today we go through a lot of exchanges before we turn pizza token into a pizza. The process will take you a few minutes and you will pay exchange fees, but there will be a time the community is so swift you can exchange directly with the pizza guy. There will be POB Pizza and POB coffee and POB beer and these tokens for the things we need in everyday life.

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@megatee! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)

I learn alot of things this, topic is sex all you can give, and forcing your beliefs on people.

I really learn this alot

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Hey @hivecoffee, here is a little bit of BEER from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Alot has been learnt by me and I want to say the purpose of the community as a whole to me as been well achieved,cause lot of exciting and interesting topics as comes into our hearing and discussions has been heard on them.

I want to say topic and questions like who is a family and what do we look out for in a friend is one of the things have gotten to learn ,cause it as really shows that some set of friends are pure bad loser and they hate seeing another person doing well ,I must really say it is not just about moving out of smiling with some friends who are specialist in back biting and lot more, chosen a friend goes beyond the outer look or appearance, character and sense if reasons is vital and I strongly learn that you can smile and talk to everyone,but not everyone deserves to be your friend.

On the part of who is a family,I sincerely learn much more too as I got to understand that it is not always blood related people that are the real family,even those that are not From your tribe or religion at times can ber very useful and helpful than that blood relation .

With what have learnt so far this week,it strengthen my knowledge on the adage which I was brought up with that,

That you are related to someone does not guarantee you get favor from them

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The initiative has been on for some months now. Good you finally got to know about. It's actually a nice incentive to help keep up the engagement. It's quite rewarding and can help you in building your stake faster.

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