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RE: Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I've stated it before but I'll state it again: I know @proofofbrainio probably isn't Satoshi Nakamoto. Sometimes I wonder though...Or, @proofofbrainio is a time traveler limited by a temporal prime directive.👽


I would also say, we vote with our fingers...if we don't like the community any more, we sell the POB we've staked/earned. I know I've put hard earned USD into Hive and POB. If I felt it was not beneficial to me to be here anymore, I would sell (as long as it was still worth something) and move on to the next best thing. I'm sure you'd do the same. With your account (@holovision) value sitting around $4-5K, I'm guessing you've put $$ in the game, too...then again, I did see you've been around for 3 years, so it's possible it was all just posting/curation awards... for @onealfa around $60K I'm guestimating, I can understand that certainty in the system is key for his nest egg. The community requires certainty to a degree or it falls apart. As trustless as crypto can be, we actually have to use trust in this case.

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