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RE: And it seems that the problems keep coming...

The important thing is to invest our precious time in things that bring us up 🍁

Thier is nothing as important as doing the right thing, trust me am an advocate of that too.doing that which is right as the ability to bring you up in life.fine, result might not come on time,but definitely it will come at a long end.

So putting all efforts on things that are important has a way of helping our life the more.

One of my mentor said and I quote "We should not major on the minor and minor on the major"

It is means more effort should not be given to things that has no value and while we give less effort to things that has value,No it should not be so.The right thing should be done at the right time.

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We have to prioritize what is priority, and overcome the challenges that life poses to us every day.

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