The Mystery Of Happiness--- POB-WOTW

No one deserves to be sad at all,that was what comes to my mind when I saw the #pob-wotw by @scholaris.pob

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Have you ever thought about what makes the word "happiness" at all,do you really think that your actions are what lead to happiness on most occasions.Have seen people doing great things in life and still they are not happy about it, honestly this is one thing that as makes the word happiness a very big one to me.A mystery is I may say

Getting gifts too at times is not just all a person needs in life to be happy,then I asked myself how do I makes myself happy,it is very sad to see how people put lot of efforts to makes sure they please people around them at least to see them smiling ,but still those efforts are not recognize, just because the word happiness goes beyond physical aspect of it

One thing that really makes me happy of recent is getting to chat with some of the Old users on #discord.This really increase the happiness in me and gives me the hope of doing well enough in the community,i can't totally forget the joy I got when I get helped from some of the user's I chatted with on the platform,this to me brings happiness,but to some,reverse is the case which totally makes happiness a different case study for everyone.

It is better we understand and build on things that makes us happy the more rather than holding more to things that makes us sad in life,tears won't at all help us in any means,that is why's it is vital we build more on things that brings joy to us.

It is not always about doing what people want you to do,but what about what brings Joy and what you find interest in very much,aside from the joy you get in it,it will also build your person too.never be control by the choice of people when it comes to having joy or peace in life.

But of all it is very important that you state all that brings you comfort the more out and works on them,this is one perfect means of having an everlasting happiness in life.I do tell people that moving away from bad people too in life is something of great value,cause it won't give them the chance to drag you back to the mud .

Happy is not earn,it is built,no amount of gifts can make you happy once it is not built already in you.

thanks to @scholaris.pob and this is my entry for the week.

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I understand the joy that comes when we receive gifts
I'm glad you could find happiness.

Definitely mate ,but to I still don't see that as all we need in life to be happy, gift and other things are temporary

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You're right friend.

This "mystery" is one of the aspects that makes happiness indecipherable.

Definitely boss and thanks for coming by to add something here

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