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RE: Hungry

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Eating. Such a luxury.

we'd all better give it our 110% today or

Yes. Just eat something first so you can give more of you but oh wait, it'll still be only 100% although after eating you might way 10% more than before. Hmm...

Let me know if you want me to join your revolution, I'm 110% already there.

You ate! Great! I bet it was the boss. Eating bosses is so underrated.

Oh! My bad! It was grapes and pizza you ate. But isn't it weird to have pizza, or grapes as your boss? Anyway, it's good that you ate. And a hunger poem is always welcome.


I ate the boss, the grapes, the !PIZZA, and then washed it all down with some !BEER. Still hungry too.