Every life — regardless of gender — has equal value

in Proof of Brain25 days ago

In a society where sometimes people no longer appreciate and value who they are, their uniqueness, distinctive character, and characteristics. All we now have is a society that supports and celebrates actions that are morally wrong and unjustifiable if critically looked into. We live in a society that goes as far as supporting transgender.
And one is forced to ask certain questions like, what exactly is such society portraying or standing for? We have heard how people go in for surgery to work on their bodies and most of the time, these surgeries result in serious complications or otherwise death.

Low self-esteem can be traced to be one of the major causes and has become a thing of concern, people suffering from low self-esteem are never satisfied with themselves, they always feel intimidated, unhappy, and left out.

The Holy Scriptures in Genesis 1:27 explains that the creator (God) created mankind in his own image, in his own image as God he created them; male and female. Also in Psalm 139:14, David the psalmist praises God because he was in the knowledge that he was fearfully and wonderfully made.

Now the question would be, if God in his wisdom created us as males and females who are fearfully and wonderfully created, why then can't I appreciate my state of creation? Why can't I look in the mirror and acknowledge that I am unique and special? Why can't I believe that I am one of a kind? That my imperfections as I seem to look at it, is what makes me different and unique from others.

Until people learn to appreciate and celebrate themselves, we shall continually face the challenges of low self-esteem and confidence. Look at the mirror and constantly make beautiful and affirmative declarations about yourself, you are beautiful/ handsome, you are unique, you are special, you are one in several, a constant practice of this would boost your self-confidence and you would be able to appreciate your creation.

I recall during my junior secondary school days, my social studies teacher was teaching us about family and the responsibilities of each member of the family (father, mother, and children), an arguement broke out in the classroom because the girls felt they had more duties than the boys and vice versa. In fact, for the boys, their points were that the girls do nothing much but stay at home to cook, wash, clean, and gossip while they (boys) go out to the farms, assist in the market or business centers, and other strenuous activities that the girls couldn't do.

After a long argument, it was really fun how my teacher resolved and handled the situation, he said " since you all claim that you and your duties at home are more important than the other, you shall switch duties for the next two weeks, after then we shall continue with this discussion "

This sudden announcement by my teacher brought us all back to reality, we were not ready to switch positions or duties because what both parties were considering as less work-effective was something we didn't really want to do. I and others learned a very important lesson that day. I believe growing up some of us may have had similar experiences or lines of thought. But believe me, each is as important as the other and unique in their formation.

It baffles me as I watch many who do not really appreciate their physique or genetic makeup but prefer to become the opposite of who they are, some people go as far as spending millions on transforming their genetic makeup or composition by undergoing surgeries and thereby risking their lives in the process.

Truthfully speaking, there are no favorable advantages or disadvantages of being a particular gender, each gender whether male or female has its own unique and peculiar characteristics which enable them to handle issues relating to them.

Another thing that has always seemed to be a problem is the fact that some genders especially the male folks always look down on their counterparts as inferior beings, they see themselves as superior, one whose word is the law and should not be questioned, this mindset is wrong, negative and even disastrous, both genders are equal, they are like both sides of a coin, each half complimenting the other.

In a family setting, though it is the responsibility of the woman to be submissive to her husband, the man is also charged to love his wife. Both parties are unique and have their distinct characteristics, trying to upset the balance could be dangerous and unhealthy. Remember you are unique, special, fearfully, and wonderfully made. Never feel otherwise or less than yourself, learn to constantly appreciate your uniqueness.

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