
definitely he will die of hunger, laziness is one of the greatest demon on earth

To be lazy is a great disease than can destroy your future,
Keep yourself from being lazy from now on

To be lazy can cause you a great disaster.
Avoid laziness and start working hard from now

Thanks for the advice
I will stop being lazy from now on.

now is when to take decision not tomorrow

Procrastination is one of the great instrument of laziness.
procrastination is something that is very bad for your future

procrastination make someone loses
opportunity it is something that is very bad

that is what life requires

Life do not require being lazy

even lazy once cant gain anything from thins community

I swear
Because they will be too lazy to write a blog
They will be too lazy to comment
They will be too lazy to read a community self
So they won't be engaging in this community and engaging in this community is the key

definitely you understand what I'm saying to be consistent in this community is not for the lazy ones, so any lazy being cannot enjoy anything in this life

engaging is the key to success in this community the more you are engaged the more your level of success here

of course I don't even like keeping lazy People around me

yeah because people will say show me who your friend is and I'll tell you you are if you keep lazy people beside the definitely you two are lazy or later become lazy

I can't take lazy people as my friend do because they will affect me

Even though you have a lazy French or people around you if you did not want to be a lazy person he won't be a lizard person we can choose to be who we are.

You should learn how to change others for good not those people that is doing bad things that will change us to bad.

Because we know more than them so we must use our wisdom to influence them positively not that they will influence us badly or negatively and we know the difference between right and wrong.

So which should help them through because they are in the darkness why we bad snow the good things are in the light so we need to shine the lights to their life.

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Your words are full of wisdom, yeah, the best thing is to use our good character to influence the people around us and not letting them influence us with there not too good characters.

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that is very true and you are mostly influence by the people around us

Even arguably the greatest

yes if possible the greatest of them all

Without controversy
It's the greatest

i can agree with that

hmm that's very true

Lolsss but true
Lazy people are just worst

Lazy people can't make

of course fear laziness and run from it