
Were you the one who posted the Council of Ricks meme that they were so scared of whales they started a token and became whales? I was the one who joked in a reply to @l337m45732 that VYB was a combination of Occupy Wall Street and a homeowner association built on the Hive platform.

I am sure due to self-voting some accounts had negative numbers. I think when @vyb.vyb calculated my score using the formula my score was the only imaginary number.📏😁


You have received 342 POB via self-voted comments. That wiped out what you would have otherwise received. Here are the stats:

SV Comments = 342 POB (= -1,368 POB)
SV Posts = 469 POB (= 46.9 POB)
No-SV Comments = 1,196 POB (= 1,196 POB)
No-SV Posts = 107 POB (= 107 POB)


Staked = 642 POB

342pob via selfvote? With just 642 staked? This is unbelievable

Not saying the 342 POB was the result of self-voting.

Just saying that 342 POB tokens were received via comments that were self-voted.

The criteria for the VYB airdrop stipulated that any self-voted comments would be penalized 500%. (It doesn't matter the size of the self-vote or the size of the stake behind the self-vote, just the fact that the comment was self-voted.)

I now understand you
Thanks @trostparadox for your reply