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RE: POB Update: New Tribe 2.0 Site = DAO & NFTs and Beneficiary Increase for Outside Apps

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Totally agree @scholaris.pob, it makes perfect sense to follow the standard hive beneficiary system and will be a positive move and step forward for the community.

I Love the NFT creation in a #pob market place inclusion, I have been thinking about the best way to monetise NFTs for #pob giveaways, this will solve that issue as I have a number of NFT projects I am currently juggling.

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The regular recommendations for a POB use case involving NFTs seemed like a match made in heaven when POB first brought up this initiative.

Yeah it could be a huge step forward and bring in more users that enjoy NFTs, the option to create and sell NFTs on a POB market would be something I would like to see, I am curios though would it include the option to auction NFTs