
Along with gorgeous scenery during this time of year, we see them more often during this period due to the fact it's rutting time, those horny little devils will come out from hiding to quench their desires.

Enjoying the different seasons is a big part of why we stayed in this area, there is a marked difference from one season to the next.

We have never seen a bear, but others in the area have. I've never heard of anyone seeing a mountain lion. I have seen foxes, coyotes, and the very vicious Fisher Cat. The Fisher Cat is probably the most vicious of them all. Hunters in our area trap them every year.

I hope this pic doesn't disturb you, but trapping has gone on for generations in our region, it's part of the way of life for folks around here.

Better yet, here is a link to a post I did 4 years ago. this way you can decide if you would like to view it.

I ran into this gentleman just up the street from us.

Thanks for the link, most interesting an animal I have never heard about, live and learn!

America is big so many regions I know some have mountain lion warnings, bear warnings, much like us it does not mean we see them often or ever for that matter.


But, when we do see them 1st hand, what a treat.

Hey @thebigsweed, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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