A megalaser product of the galaxies

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

A megalaser product of the galaxies


A galactic space laser has been discovered, the image shown is quite simple but explains more or less how they have detected it.

An international team of astronomers using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa has observed a powerful radio wave laser called a megamaser, a record finding as it is the most distant megamaser of its kind ever detected.

It is located about 5 billion light years from Earth and is the first hydroxyl megamaser observed by the MeerKAT, with this radio telescope 3,000 hours of observations were made and this particular megamaser has been called "Nkalakatha" which is a word Zulu meaning "great chief".

This megamaser is not dangerous, nor is it terrible at least for us, but it is an indication of what can happen to us when it can happen to our galaxy in the distant future, it turns out that megamasers are phenomena that originate when two galaxies violently collide and by doing so, the gas they contain becomes extremely dense and can trigger concentrated beams of light and this is something that is going to happen with the Milky Way when it collides with the Andromeda galaxy, which are the two largest in the local group of galaxies.

This event will begin its intense phase in 3.87 billion years to end the two galaxies merging into one in 5.86 billion years, so these researchers have seen something that could very well happen in the distant future with the milky way and the Andromeda galaxy.

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