Exoplanets in dozens and in pairs

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

Exoplanets in dozens and in pairs

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This is wonderful news that I am going to tell you, they have discovered dozens of exoplanets in pairs, the James Webb space telescope has detected in the Oron Nebula 40 pairs of exoplanets the size of Jupiter that float freely in space, without orbiting another star.

Where did so many come from, astronomers are still a little confused, one possibility is that these worlds arose from regions of the nebula where the density of material was scarce, that is, they are germs of stars that ran out of material to continue growing and reach to be a real star.

The other possibility is that they formed as normal planets orbiting a star and then were expelled into Interstellar space through various interactions with other planets or with other nearby stars, because remember that many stars orbit in pairs with a companion, but that proximity can prove fatal for a planet and end up being expelled from the system.

At the moment, the option that these worlds are planets expelled from their original system is gaining support among astronomers.


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