Problems at NASA with the Bennu asteroid sample

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

Problems at NASA with the Bennu asteroid sample

Scientists have had problems uncovering the container of the OSIRIS-Rex probe with samples from the comet Bennu, they have only freed 33 screws and two are stuck; The samples we saw were only from the outside of the container, NASA is going to try other methods.

Apparently what we saw at the press conference organized by NASA on October 11 was a sample of material that was outside the main container. Remember that NASA said that the samples contained carbon and water molecules, which is not something original. since these elements had been discovered before in other asteroid samples, for example, those obtained by the Japanese.

And we should not have expected much at that press conference either, since in the few days that passed from the arrival of the samples to the press conference it was impossible to do an in-depth analysis, the Japanese spent years analyzing the samples found.

We have the experience that they have left us. The Japanese researchers, since they did it twice, managed to bring samples from two different asteroids, the Hayabusa missions, which in Japanese means Peregrine Falcon, managed to bring back samples from the Itokawa asteroid in 2010 (Dimensions: 535 m x 294 m x 209 m) and in 2018 from the asteroid Ryugu (Dimensions: more or less 450 m.)

After years of analysis of samples from the asteroid Ryugu, the Japanese found Uracil in them, which is an organic molecule and is one of the basic elements that make up the RNA of all living beings. This finding is proof in favor of the theory that At least some of the essential elements for life to arise had to come within asteroids and comets.

The sample that the Japanese obtained was only 5.4 g, the one from NASA is much larger, at the moment we have about 70 g, what was on the outside of the container and what we have seen in this photo, let's hope for greater results and statements by managing to open the container and its subsequent analysis, something that is prevented by two simple screws.

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