Strange auroras appear on earth.

in Proof of Brainlast year

Strange auroras appear on earth.


Our protective magnetic field was hit by a cir, which is a kind of wave that occurs when a stream of high-speed solar wind overcomes or enters another stream of slower solar wind, thus creating a kind of shock. stormy wave, is a storm within the solar wind.

These cracks in the magnetosphere are relatively normal and are also much more frequent than it seems, space observatories have been detecting these cracks for years, the smallest are the size of California or Spain and many of them are wider than anything the planet.

When a crack of this type occurs, the particles of the solar wind can filter through the crack and end up reaching lower parts of the atmosphere, giving rise to strange auroras, pink or blue auroras.


The auroras can be seen in Greenland which is to the north, in general they are seen in Canada, Alaska, obviously the Nordic countries, they can be seen much further south when there are powerful solar storms they can be seen in Madrid or Mexico They have come to see auroras, but when an aurora is seen at those latitudes at those latitudes, caution because it means that there is a very intense solar storm, I think one of the most intense occurred during the Spanish Civil War, auroras were seen at altitude from Madrid.

The magnetic field can be eroded, it is somewhat flexible, it can be eroded, but it does not fall, how could it fall? At that moment, the Earth's magnetic field may enter a period of chaos, we do not know exactly what can happen, we know that it occurs periodically, we do not know exactly the causes that originate this change, this inversion of the poles.

Souce banco de imagens libre de la Nasa

Some scientists affirm that if the earth's magnetic field is inverted, something that has already happened in the past, we do not know exactly the frequency, nor the causes, we know what happened, because that is recorded in the formation of the rocks, basically within a volcanic rock there are small iron particles, those iron particles when the volcanic rock comes out of the volcano are floating in that lava and act like a magnet, when the lavas solidify those small iron particles are oriented towards the terrestrial magnetic field that is in that At the same time, by acting on it, geologists can know more or less where the earth's magnetic field was when that lava solidified and they can create maps and a calendar of when there were inversions in the earth's magnetic field.

We do not know the causes, it is suspected that when it occurs, there will be a period of chaos, we do not know how long this period of chaos would last, nor what effects it could have on life on earth, many things are not known and that is why the problem is we must investigate and invest more in science.

Souce Markus Varik

This pink Aurora is not only wonderful, but it also has a scientific meaning and caused a lot of expectation among aurora hunters, because when there is a strange Aurora, an Aurora that is out of the ordinary, a new Aurora, well the alarms go off, because that means that something abnormal is happening, something that had not been seen before and that happened last Thursday, November 3, when aurora hunters in Sweden and Norway captured this strange pink and blue Aurora.




I would like to see one in real life! They are so beautiful.

Yes... me too, normal auroras and you have different conditions...
They are spectacular.