
in Proof of Brainlast year


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The technologies are a continuous improvement of the things that one has, and the Telepresence arose from the need in teleworking; due to this whole situation of the supposed pandemic.

This new platform or mixed technology offers a greater experience than teleconference, since, just by putting on a virtual reality headset to enter a meeting, you can feel that you are really entering a room or place to see your coworkers in 3 -d (in its best version in holograms) and in real size.

This is thanks to one of the many technologies used, called manual tracking that is integrated into the devices, which not only creates a digital environment around it, but also allows objects to be touched, people would only have to extend their arm to take them and they can also do Make objects bigger or smaller just by moving your fingers apart or together.

The best example is shown by the star war saga where characters who are millions of light years away, from cinema to reality, meet for a conference.

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Differences between video conferencing and Telepresence. explain.

The difference is clear, telepresence in the evolution of video conferences, in video conferences you see one or more people on a screen presenting information; in telepresence everyone could be in an interacted digital environment, with digital tools to improve the experience.

The tools used in video conferences are the well-known ones that help you present ideas, while the tools used in telepresence could be infinite since it is in a digital environment, we will see them in the future.

The future of this technology

This technology will mark a before and after in many areas, mainly because it offers a significant advantage, which is time, since the displacement of the people involved is not required, it will serve in professional areas where it is required to transmit knowledge, or clarify a request. or question; It will also be used in areas such as education, marketing, designers, executives, businessmen, promoters and medicine.

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Area where Telepresence is used.

This technology could help many people in the area of ​​medicine, since there are millions of people who do not have specialized professional assistance, with this a specialist could be in any corner of a country or the world, helping many patients, or to colleagues through interhospital discussions that would allow clinical case discussions, among many other uses.

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