The common past of the moon and the earth.

in Proof of Brainlast year

The common past of the moon and the earth.


There is new data on asteroids from the past that have hit the Earth and also the moon; the moon has a very interesting feature its crust solidified billions of years ago and except for some volcanic activity it has not changed, which means that the lunar surface shows us a record of the craters that hit it and if we can get Knowing the age of these craters, we could establish statistics and find out if there were times in the past where the impacts were more numerous.

The asteroid rains that affected the moon also affected the Earth only that, since the earth is much larger, the number of impacts must be multiplied, for each impact that we see on the moon the earth received between 12 to 13 that we do not see characters on earth is first because small asteroids disintegrate in the atmosphere without hitting the ground. it is also more difficult for them to leave a crater if they fall into the ocean or onto an ice sheet, and to all this we must add that the earth's surface is being renewed and is undergoing constant processes of erosion, which wear out or make the craters disappear completely, for For this reason, we are only aware of some that have been preserved in very special places.


The idea of these researchers is to analyze the record of impacts on the moon in order to have a record of events that the Earth has suffered, the idea has come from researchers at Curtin University in Australia who have analyzed 135 microscopic glass beads that They are up to 2,000 years old and were found in the lunar soil during the Changa 5 lunar mission of the Chinese national space agency.

These researchers have concluded that the impacts of asteroids that collided with the earth of which we have evidence coincide with impacts suffered by the moon and especially with the one that coincides with the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs and reptiles. that is, they have found a correlation between a large number of impacts from 66 million years ago with the impact that the Earth suffered.


There are scientists who question that the asteroid of about 11 kilometers in diameter that hit the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico was the only culprit of the extinction of the dinosaurs the dinosaurs had survived the extinction of the Triassic Jurassic that was very hard, about 252 million years and reigned for 135 million years longer than living beings.

For this reason, some scientists affirm that the Yucatan impact in Mexico was only the largest in a series of catastrophic impacts that affected the entire planet at about the same time and triggered a chain event of mass extinction.

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