The first hominids

in Proof of Brain9 months ago (edited)

The first hominids

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According to all the data that we have, the cradle of humanity is Africa, about two and a half million years ago the genus Homo arose from which various species emerged until reaching Homo Sapiens, which is us, although Africa is very large and in recent years there are debates about whether that origin was in the East African region, in South Africa or in Morocco.

But Where did the ancestors of the hominids or great apes originate where those first animals originated in which the combination of moving in various environments, having hands to manipulate objects and a brain that was increasingly important for survival.

Curiously, it seems that the origin of the hominids was not Africa, the remains of the first African hominids are from about 7 million years ago, however much older hominid remains have been found in Europe, there is a theory that the hominids originated in western and central Europe and spread to the Mediterranean and then to Africa along with many other mammals 9 to 7 million years ago.


The latest finding is the one that was published on August 23 in the scientific journal nature, they have identified the above fossil, as Anadoluvius, it was found in Çorakyerler in central Anatolia Turkey, the remains date from 8 million 700 thousand years ago the researchers believe which is a representative of the first great expansion of hominids into Asia.

The Anadoluvius was a hominid about the size of a large male chimpanzee, would weigh between 50 to 60 kilograms, lived in a Dry Forest environment, and would spend most of its time on the ground.

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Interesting theory about hominids arising in Europe and then moving to Africa to develop into homo species. It may not be so far-fetched considering that the climate back then was vastly different from what it is now in Europe and Africa. Great article.

Thank you very much, you just have to dig in the right place...

I’m checking it online, very interesting. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have found out. This must be the top discovery of this year. Thanks.

Thank you for taking an interest in science!!