The shortest day in history.

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

The shortest day in history.


The shortest day in history has been recorded and it was this July 29, it has been known that the rotational movement of the earth slows down and has left scientists baffled with the reduction of 1.59 milliseconds, this is almost insignificant , but it is outside the average values ​​of history.

In addition, in recent years the earth rotates faster, according to experts the cause could be the Chandler wobble, which occurs in cycles of 433 days and whose causes are not entirely clear, in the year 2000, the JPL acronym for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced that the main cause is the fluctuating pressure of the ocean floor caused by changes in temperature and salinity and by changes in the direction of ocean currents, although other researchers claim that this wobble could be due to melting or movement under the earth's crust.


The earth is not a perfect sphere, it is very slightly flattened at the poles. In the case of our planet, the equatorial radius is 6,378 kilometers, while the polar radius is 6,356 kilometers.

The axis of rotation on which our planet rotates has moved about ten meters in the last 100 years, but be careful not to confuse these with the magnetic poles, they have also moved in recent years and even more than the geographical poles, but for other reasons different causes that we do not fully understand either, but that we know are related to what happens in the core of the earth.


On the displacement of the axis of rotation of our planet, NASA's JPL published a study in 2018, in that study it pointed out that the three main responsible for the movement are first the recent loss of ice mass from the Greenland cap, second rebound post glacial, which is the elimination of the enormous weight of the ice sheets of the last glacial period and third, the convection of the earth's mantle, that is, the movements of currents of hot material that are produced under the crust and that end up influencing the displacement of tectonic plates, plates on which the continents and oceans sit.

The living beings that inhabit the planet will not notice anything because we are talking about milliseconds, but humans who already depend on technology for almost everything will have some problems, since it would be necessary to subtract a second from the atomic clocks and that would be a disorder for our computers, our communications and geolocation networks, is less than the flapping of a butterfly's wings, but a flapping that can disrupt our entire technological civilization.


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