The relationship between proof of brain and Hive

Most importantly I would like to appreciate the effort of Hive for providing this great chance and opportunity for people to learn and earn, and would also like to give credit to @proofofbrain for creating a good platform where people all around the world can share ideas about learning of different stuffs either about life, mathematical ideas, nature and all sorts of things that requires learning.


@proofofbrain for me is very okay and productive, the curators there are at the top notch of their game as well, the likes of @insight and @onealfa, these guys are great and are working tirelessly to make sure everyone in the it platform and Hive can benefit from.
I think the relationship between @Hive and @proofofbrain is great and I would like to say they also good mutual consent.

They both work hand to hand. I believe with their wonderful ideas of creating such platform as @proofofbrain in Hive has indeed helped millions of people all around the world through learning and earning. Some fews day back I was scrolling and searching for good content I can read and I found myself in @proofofbrain community, then I saw alot of engagement contents I could engage myself with and which I did but not on the platform but at home. Thanks for the curators of the platform they have done a great job in creating such platform and thanks to Hive for giving such opportunities for things to like this to occur. I think the relationship between them is good and superb. Thank you.