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RE: 10 Laws of Life

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Cool list which I've never seen before so thanks for sharing it!

#1 - Agreed! I personally think the truth of everything is a probability ranging from close to 0 to close to 100 percent, without the endpoints. I like your answer which reminds me of the Bayesian inference method of updating your truth probabilities as new info becomes known.

#4 but more of #5 sound like an admonition to not use the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy. Although if it's a topic I'll never understand, like most parts of Quantum Physics, I feel like one can probably learn something by conditionally accepting the authority of someone with a PHD in it.

#10 - I'd take a wild guess that he was referring to religion here, but really I have no clue. I know he gave a famous lecture on I Am Not a Christian which is the sole basis of my guess and why I thought this, but I don't have a high probability estimate that my guess is correct.

I wish you a great day! :)


Good point on the logical fallacy and would make sense with him being a philosopher.

Now, that's an interesting perspective on #10 with the religion or rather anti-religion viewpoint he held.