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RE: Can't believe it's lockdown season already! I still have my climate change decorations up 😜

in Proof of Brain10 months ago (edited)

Love the meme ❤️ So good! And yet there are still so many who fall for this. Can't forget Louis Pasteur's last words before he passed away; it went smth along these lines: "Hey Antoine (Bechamp), you were right mate. But they'll make more money with my theory (JOKE)." 😉


Did Pasteur really say that? I was just recounting the Beauchamp/Pasteur story to a friend the other day but didn't know that part! Though I suppose it is pretty logical to assume Pasteur understood what was happening.

I had a private message from a friend on facebook today who tells me she has been using the healy for the last year with great success. Not to heal anything but to find more energy in her busy life. Though much like your friend it sounds like she does not expect the machine to do all the work and also spends time every year doing a long Vipassana mediation to find her true power within. Just thought I would share another positive testimonial with you.

Hi Sam, several sources write about Pasteur's last words on his deathbed which were quote:
"The pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything." In the Truth About Cancer series this is discussed extensively. The second part of my sentence is a joke (edited accordingly). However, we can assume that Pasteur knew quite well what was going on.

In regards to your friend and the Healy: So good to hear that the device helped her as well. The more positive feedback we receive from genuine people, the better. Indeed, the device seems to provide a lot of help in the daily life however, the individual still needs to put in the work. Excellent news! I'm happy for her and thank you for sharing Sam! Appreciate it a lot.