Many ways to support the Liotes Project

in Proof of Brainlast month

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This week in the Liotes News:

  • in the video, we present several ways how you can support the Liotes Project and what direct impact your actions have on the project
  • The account has grown by a record amount of 628 Hive Power this week !
  • 600 LEN tokens have been burnt this week

Liotes Divider Blue.png

Please consider voting for the Liotes HIVE Witness


A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


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Thanks for sharing and explaining how these work!
Supporting the team 💪

Thanks a lot for your support. It means a lot!

Thanks for the update and it is great that there are many ways to support the project and that in turn builds and strengthens the community, through powering up Hive and growing returns. 😀

Supporting the project is synonim to support all the token holders. It's a kind of win-win :-)

Very Nice!!! Liotes go to advance

Definitely :-)

Thank you for the explanation Achim, hope to buy more LENM when I have more hive on my end, or swap my LEN token to LENM, : )
lets grow together

lets grow together

That's exactly our mindset :-)

Liotes has been one of the lasting projects on this platform. It deserves the support. :)

We have been around for more than 3 years and are still growing :-)

A great explanation as usual. You guys have my support!

Thanks man, that means a lot :-)

There are many ways to support the project and I think it's great to see. I have been buying some LENM every month but I tend to just throw in a buy order lower than the sell price. So I am not sure if that is helping the project itself though but it does let people who bought in get out at a better price I guess.

Putting buy orders is a good thing actually. It creates a market and people can trade in a better way.

Simple and clear sharing. Keep going! You have my support!

Thank you!

good one, nice to hear all this!

Glad you liked it :-)

Thanks for the news.


You are welcome!

This is one of the mission that sets standard and despite your other engagements, you guys are consistently making this mission a level up. Good job.

Thanks for your kind words!

still needs to pass the test of time

Indeed, after 3 years of existence, we hope it will last many more years!
Thanks for checking out the post!

This edition is very informative. Achim, you explained all the ways to get profits inside the project in an understandable and easy manner. I love Liotes project because if you win we all win and I share your slow but consistent progress philosophy. ❤️🤗

if you win we all win

That's what we wanted to build from the very beginning. If we all win in the process there doesn't need to be a looser and I like that about our project :-)

Congratulations on your incredible growth. Liotes forward!

Thanks for the update.
I have delegated hive to liotes. I don't have much liotes mills, but plan to increase slowly.
It's good to see the project growing and everyone is benefiting from it.