Airdrop in cryptocurrency

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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An intuitive forum for crypto mass adoption is one of the basic reasons why I think Airdrop is important in the crypto space.

I developed more interest in cryptocurrency when I received my first airdrop token some years back with my first ever dollar in my wallet I decided to search for more in-depth knowledge/information about cryptocurrency this was why I stated in my intro that with airdrop more users were exposed to crypto through free airdrop giveaway.

Crypto mass adoption is one of the keys factors used by either crypto projects or newly introduced crypto platforms to attract users to their projects with more users exposed to such airdrop the more the project gets widely known to other users.

In general what I think about airdrop in cryptocurrency is it's a driving factor for generating mass adoption among crypto users.

How can we know about an Airdrop event so that we can participate?

There are various means of knowing about the crypto airdrop

  • Through social networking; there are multiple users today who are crypto enthusiasts who are willing to share to the world or their follower's ways they can be financially stable with this means millions of users can be reached and I also use this method of social media to get important airdrop events. social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and, telegram can be used to share upcoming airdrop events.

  • Through a friend and direct web surfing; something while surfing the internet we can stumble on an important crypto event which can intrigue us to participate also we can have access to such information of new airdrop events from our friends who are already earning or participating in such airdrop.

In essence, knowing about an airdrop event will sometimes depend on one's level of exposure to information another important platform where users can know about an airdrop event is coinmarketcap here recognize and approved crypto airdrop events are shared on the website.

Where are Airdrop events often held?

  • Generally, in most cases, crypto airdrop events are often held directly on the launching website which is the direct main web domain.

  • In some cases to attract more users a link directing new participants to the main website will be shared on social media, which will be used to redirect users to the airdrop main page.

  • Document forms can also be filled out by new participants which can later be submitted to the airdrop main page for thoroughly checking.

Are all Airdrop events free from scams? Otherwise, how can we avoid the scam?

The question if all airdrops are free from scams is No all airdrops are not free from scams there are lots of fraudulent activities happening in the crypto space with dubious users trying to extract users' information.

How to avoid airdrop scam

An important means by which an airdrop scam can be avoided is by making proper research about any airdrop before making any necessary moves of filling out any required information by doing proper research checking out for the project authenticity look at the project white paper it team and financial services backing the project look for exchange accepting such token presently and those willing to add the project token in near future before participating.

With such proper research, interested participants will minimize the risk of losing their keys and data.


Airdrop in cryptocurrency is a free token distribution to attract users so as to create awareness and increasing demand for the sale of a particular token.
most airdrops are free and can only take place within a specific period.
In other to avoid losing data or personal privacy keys to scammers it is recommended for interested participants to make adequate research on any airdrop project before participating.



I wish you congrats for receiving your first AirDrop.. AirDrop is a very good thing when a friend send me a link which have make me to have a lot of airdrop do the value has not been taken to the market yet but the way is going I believe if it is been taken to market it will give me a lot of dollars

I want to say that I appreciate the way you throw more light because airdrop are coming from different places no one knows the one that is scam but with the little you have share from your post this has enabled us to know how to detect a scam AirDrop

Most of the time a link is being sent to me I go straight to take a decision without making a research but I believe with the little things you have said tonight is very good to be taken decision instead of Falling Into the hands of scammers

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I do appreciate your feedback i'm glad you find this quite helpful keep earning and learning stay safe.

In fact your article really help a lot though as I said I hear a lot about airdrop but I never make research before I proceed but just as you have said I think is a good way for me to make research before proceeding to any airdrop so I don't fall in the hands of scam

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Thanks much once again.