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RE: Random Thought of the Day - Daily Contest #47 - 3 Day Countdown For 50 POB Delegation Prizes + More!

in Proof of Brain β€’ 3 years ago

Wow can't wait for 50 πŸ˜ƒ it would be awesome

For my long term goal.....

I want to have financial freedom and be able to help lives around me. And I want to own a big school where students learn different things - Both intellectual and skills learning.

It's not going to be an easy one and that's hwy it's a long term goal and I know and believe I'll be able to achieve that goal.

Thanks for this contest, it's always fun. I had to reblog the post so I don't be like a greedy lady πŸ˜‚

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Thanks for sharing.

I believe you can achieve anything if you really want it. πŸ˜‰

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